All Expedition Handbook photo locations in Infinity Nikki listed
How to add photos to the Expedition Handbook.
Visiting every Expedition Handbook photo location can take some time in Infinity Nikki, especially if you don't know where you're going. Wishfield is quite sizable after all.
Though it's a good idea to know how to add photos to the Expedition Handbook first as there's a little step which is easy to overlook when gathering these Infinity Nikki collectibles. You don't want to line up the perfect shot, only to realise it's not in your handbook! Not to forget about the Expeditions: Wishfield random quest either.
So below you'll find all of the Expedition Handbook photo locations in Infinity Nikki, along with how to add photos to the Expedition Handbook and the Mysterious Spot location.
On this page:
How to add photos to the Expedition Handbook in Infinity Nikki
Before you start filling in the Expedition Handbook, you first need to unlock it. This can be done shortly after you've unlocked the photo mode in Infinity Nikki and have taken a number of pictures with the camera. Just keep taking photographs until you receive a message from the LuminaLens Touring Photographers.
With the Expedition Handbook unlocked, you now need to visit the locations we've listed below to complete it. Once you're at one of these locations, you need to keep an eye out for the camera prompt that will appear alongside your current tracked quest and / or sketch on the left-hand side of the screen.

This is your que to get out Momo's camera! Now you need to get the main subject of the camera prompt into the frame. If this is the Memorial Mountains Log Bridge, for example, then you'll want to properly line up that Log Bridge. You'll know if you've done it correctly because a gold box, with the prompt's name, will appear around the subject.

Next it's time to take the photo! It doesn't matter if it's a fancy picture with Nikki doing a pose or just one of the subjects. If you're having trouble properly lining up the subject though, we do recommend hiding Nikki using the camera settings.
The final, and most important, step comes after the photo is taken. You must select the 'Upload' button on the right-hand side of your taken photo to add it to the Expedition Handbook. If you don't select this option, then the photograph will not be added to the Expedition Handbook and you'll have to take it again.

Remember - select 'Upload' before closing the picture!
You'll be rewarded with three Upgrade Packs for every photo you add to the Expedition Handbook. These can be spent on camera modifications for lighting, poses and filters.

All Expedition Handbook photo locations in Infinity Nikki
There are 40 locations you need to visit for the Expedition Handbook in Infinity Nikki and we'll walk you through them all in the order they appear in the handbook down below.
It's important to note that a number of the locations you need to visit are only unlocked after you've completed a specific part of Infinity Nikki's storyline. Don't worry though, we've noted which ones have this requirement so you'll know how far to progress.
1 - Old Florawish Memorial, Memorial Mountains
The Old Florawish Memorial can be found in the Memorial Mountains, just south of where Nikki entered Miraland. It's also where you'll find Kilo the Cadenceborn.

2 - Memorial Mountains Log Bridge, Memorial Mountains
You'll come across this log bridge as you follow the path down from the Memorial Mountains to Florawish. It's just south-west of the mini-game that sits close to the Florawish border.

3 - Swing by the Path, Florawish
The easiest way to find this swing is to head down the road leading south from the Stylists Guild. You should quickly find it sitting outside the first building on the right-hand side, when heading downhill, at the top of this path.

4 - Lilina's Statue, Florawish
This statue can be found outside of the Mayor's Residence in Florawish.

5 - Ray and Wing's, Florawish
This is the restaurant which sits on the eastern side of the stone bridge in Florawish.

6 - Ancient Tree Swing, Florawish
Another tree swing! This time it can be found on the small overlook area directly south of the Wishing Tree. You can actually find it quite easily after getting your first swing picture (Number 3) by, when heading downhill, taking the path to your left before the archway.

7 - Lakeside Picnic Area, Florawish
For this location head slightly south-west of the Mayor's Residence to the field which sits between the three buildings on the lake shore. Keep an eye out for a picnic blanket - once you've found it, you'll be in the right place! Though depending on the time and weather, you might just find a lantern.

8 - Wharf Bench, Florawish
This bench can be found directly south of the Mayor's Residence and is a small stone platform directly north of the large pier overlooking the lake.

9 - Street Corner Graffiti, Florawish
For this picture, you need to head down the stone steps directly south of the Wishing Tree. The graffiti can be found on the wall at the foot of these steps.

10 - Ruins Plaza Corner, Florawish
You've probably visited this location a good number of times during your adventure in Infinity Nikki. It can be found in the circular plaza right next to the Dream Warehouse and is the arched building in the corner.

11 - Emerald Pond, Florawish
For this picture you need to head inside the Warehouse Cavern, which is just north of Secret Base Warp Spire. If you're having trouble finding it, then follow the cliff next to this location northward on the ground level as this should quickly lead you to the cave's entrance.

To find the Emerald Pond, follow the path in the cave and make sure you're always on the lowest level of the cave. This involves dropping down to a lower level when you reach a cliff. After dropping down to this lower location, continue following the cave until you reach a dead end - this is where the Emerald Pond lies.

There's also a Florawish Whimstar hidden within this cave, so make sure you grab it now if you haven't already.
12 - Quiet Cenote, Florawish
This picture requires you heading into another cave, this time the Riverside Cavern. The easiest way to reach the Riverside Cavern is to follow the river west of the Stylist's Guild northward. You will eventually find the entrance to the Riverside Cavern near the top of this river.

Once inside the Riverside Cavern, simply follow the path inside until you reach a pond. This is the Quiet Cenote, so take a picture of that waterfall.

Again, there's a Whimstar hidden within this cave.
13 - Nonoy's Dressing Mirror, Florawish
This picture sees you doing some snooping inside Nonoy's house, which is located in the northern section of Florawish. You'll find the mirror on the top floor of Nonoy's house within the room on the far right.

14 - Sanctum of the Observant, Florawish
The Sanctum of the Observant can be found in the far south-eastern side of Florawish on the road leading to the Wishing Woods. Head inside the Sanctum and take a picture of the altar.

15 - Ray and Wing's Dessert Bar, Florawish
For this picture simply head inside Ray and Wing's to photograph the dessert options on the counter.

16 - Bibcoon's Chuckle Club Stage, Florawish
It's time to head inside another building! The Bibcoon's Chuckle Club can be found east of the Wishing Tree and you need to photograph the stage found in its basement. (Don't worry, you can't miss it.)

17 - Nonoy's Bedroom, Florawish
Back to Nonoy's House for this room and you simply need to photograph her bedroom on the top floor of the house. (Not sure how comfortable I'd be with my friend photographing my bedroom, but I guess it's different rules for Nikki.)

18 - Bug Catcher's Cabin, Breezy Meadow
For this entry, you need to photograph the Bug Catcher's Cabin which is located roughly in the middle of the northern half of the Breezy Meadow. If you're having trouble finding it, explore the area with the yellow-ish grass.

19 - Blossom Forest, Breezy Meadow
The Blossom Forest refers to the cherry trees you'll encounter on the road leading up to the Art Academy Field Base. Simply take a picture of these trees to fill in this handbook entry.

20 - Swan Gazebo, Breezy Meadow
The Swan Gazebo is located on the shoreline of the northern half of Breezy Meadow. It's where the lake has created a small cove.

21 - Bullquet Habitat, Breezy Meadow
The Bullquet Habitat can be quite hard to find due to it being in the southern half of Breezy Meadow. We recommend starting at the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost Warp Spire and then follow the road eastward as if you were heading to the lake. Keep an eye on the right-hand side of the road and take the first path on the right you see. This path leads directly to the Bullquet Habitat, which consists of a number of pillars and a Bullquet.
If you reach the stone bridge, then you've gone too far so it's time to head around. If you're heading in this direction then the path you need to take is the second one on the left.

22 - Queen's Palace Ruins, Breezy Meadow
For this photo you need to explore the ruined castle in Breezy Meadow, which itself isn't hard to find at all. Follow the path around the castle until you reach the main plaza. Once there, photograph the large violin statue in the middle of this area. It's worth taking the next photograph while you're here.

23 - Queen's Palace Ruins Tower, Breezy Meadow
Staying in the Queen's Palace Ruins, this photo requires climbing the tower in its centre. To do this, you first need to use the bird jump platform near the ruined staircase just north of where you took the above photograph. You can reach this by using the broken pillar on the staircase. This will take you to the next level where you can use a giant leaf to jump up onto the roof.

Once you're on the roof, use the nearby platforms to reach in the hole in the wall at the base of the tower. Now you need to make your way up to the top of the tower by gliding over gaps, climbing broken pillars and using any bird platform you encounter. Make sure you activate the Warp Spire to make return visits easier!

When you reach the top, take a picture of the broken window.

24 - Art Academy Field Base, Breezy Meadow
For this photo you need to visit the stage which sits just west of the main Art Academy Field Base. It's beyond the stone wall surrounding the building, so make sure you're outside of that when searching for it.

25 - Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp, Breezy Meadow
For this picture you need to head inside the underground Campsite Cavern, which can be found in the south-eastern corner of Breezy Meadow. Still, even if you know its rough location, the Campsie Cavern can be quite hard to find.
Beginning at the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire, you'll want to head through the wooden gate and defeat the Esselings you encounter on the find there. Upon their defeat, you'll want to follow the path, continuing to defeat the Esselings you encounter, until you reach a bridge.

Cross this bridge before defeating even more Esselings. Once they're all dead, find the gap in the wooden fence and head into the cliff edge where you'll find the hole which will drop you down into the Campsite Cavern.

Next, follow the path through the cave - jumping from platform to platform to avoid the water. This will bring you to a large open cavern and you need to head down the path leading from the abandoned campfire. Doing so will take you past a chest containing a Whimstar (once you've defeated Esselings), so it's worth grabbing while you're here.

You now need to head down the side of the cliff until you reach a point when the camera prompt for the 'Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp' appears.

26 - Shimmer Pond, Breezy Meadow
The Shimmer Pond can be found south-east of the Meadow Wharf in Breezy Meadow. If you're having trouble finding it, then head to the southern side of the first river you encounter in Breezy Meadow. Next head towards the lake, but, when you encounter a river, follow it southward. You'll quickly find the Shimmer Pond.
If you've unlocked the Sovereign of Elegant but are yet to defeat her with the Perfect ranking, we recommend visiting the Shimmer Pond during the day. This will help you avoid entering a Styling Challenge when attempting to take this photograph.

27 - Lakeheart Stonetree, Stoneville
For this entry you need to photograph the large stone structure in the middle of the lake at Stoneville.

28 - Flower Fields Viewpoint, Stoneville
You'll have to venture into the wilds surrounding Stoneville to take this photograph. To find its location head up the hills directly to your west after you've crossed the first bridge in Stoneville. (It's important to ensure you're on the northern side of this river or else you'll be in the wrong place.) Stick close to the river itself as you climb and, eventually, on a cliff you'll find this location.

29 - Village Residence, Stoneville
We took this picture on the second bridge in Stoneville. What you need to photograph is the large building which stands almost opposite you on this bridge.

30 - Lavenfringe Fields, Stoneville
After crossing the second bridge into Stoneville, turn directly to your left and climb atop the small stone platform. Here you should be able to take a picture of the purple Lavenfringe Fields. We recommend aiming for one of the round glass houses.

31 - Village Corner, Stoneville
This picture requires you to visit the house on the far western side of the Lavenfringe Fields in Stoneville. If you've reached the Dye Workshop, then you've gone too far.

32 - Golden Fields, Abandoned District
To access the Abandoned District, you must have reached Chapter 4 in Infinity Nikki.
For this entry you need to photograph the windmill on the first stonetree you visit in the Abandoned District. We found that the best place to take this photograph was on a small rocky outcrop in the fields as it gave us the extra height Nikki needed.

33 - Handsome Lads Circus, Abandoned District
For this photo, you need to have progressed to the point where you've reached the Handsome Lads Circus in Chapter 4 of Infinity Nikki. Next simply take a picture of the middle of the circus.

34 - Market of Mirth, Abandoned District
To take this photograph, you first need to have reached the point in Chapter 4 where you're able to visit the Market of Mirth. Once you've at this point, photograph the stage at the Market of Mirth. This can be easily reached by fast travelling to the Market of Mirth Summit Path Warp Spire and then crossing the unbroken bridge.

35 - Choo-Choo Station, Abandoned District
For this entry, you must have at least reached Chapter 5 in Infinity Nikki. Doing so will allow you to visit the Choo-Choo Station. Once there, head into the station itself and photograph the train awaiting its passengers.

36 - Valley Entrance, Wishing Woods
To visit the Wishing Woods you must have at least reached Chapter 6 in Infinity Nikki. With that done, head into the woods and you'll be able to take this photo the moment you take your first proper step within its borders. It's literally by the first Warp Spire in the Wishing Woods.

37 - Wishcraft Lab Entrance, Wishing Woods
First, you must have reached at least Chapter 6 in Infinity Nikki's storyline to take this photograph. With this achieved, head to the small path leading to the Wishcraft Lab as this is a good place to photograph its entrance.

38 - Tranquil Shoal, Wishing Woods
You will need to have reached at least Chapter 6 in Infinity Nikki to take this photograph.
To take this shot, you need to head to the Grand Milewish Tree but don't climb the tree. Instead, we recommend heading to the Grand Tree Shoal Warp Spire and then head towards the nearby giant root. Once you've climbed over the first part of this root, jump down to the southern side and venture into the space between two patches of red plants where the prompt will appear. Now take a photograph of the mountain to the north.

39 - Grand Millewish Tree, Wishing Woods
You must be at least within Chapter 6 of Infinity Nikki to take this photograph.
The easiest way to find the prompt for this photograph is to fast travel to the Shoal Slope Warp Spire. Now all you need to do is travel north until you're past the pink flowers for the camera prompt to appear. Now take a picture of the Grand Millewish Tree.

40 - Timis's Beauty Lab, Wishing Woods
You must be at least Chapter 6 in Infinity Nikki to take this photograph. Timis's Beauty Lab can be found on the island in the north-eastern side of the Wishing Woods. We recommend standing not far from the bridge leading to this island to photograph the building.

Expeditions Wishfield quest in Infinity Nikki: Mysterious Spot location
After you've photographed the above 40 locations in Infinity Nikki, the Expeditions: Wishfield random quest will automatically start. This challenges you to find one final Mysterious Spot showcased in the Expedition Handbook.
To find this spot, you need to return to the beginning of your Expedition Handbook quest - the Memorial Mountains. We recommend fast travelling to the Beside the Statue in the Old Florawish Memorial Warp Spire and then following the path leading from there southward. You will eventually come to the Star Pavilion, which is the mysterious location Nikki's been looking for.

There seems to be someone waiting in the pavilion though, so head inside and talk to Visuno. Turns out she's the Expedition Ambassador for Wishfield and, after a quick chat with her, it's time to take a picture of the Star Pavilion. Make sure to upload it to the Expedition Handbook!

This will begin the quest and the Expedition Handbook for Wishfield itself to a close. As a final reward, you'll receive 20 Diamonds and the sketch for the Expedition Souvenir jumper.
If you're looking for more help in Infinity Nikki, check out our all outfits list, all Miracle outfits list and all Kindled Inspiration quests and how to complete them.
Best of luck completing the Expedition Handbook!