Persona 5: September events and activities
What you could get up to in the month of September.
Persona 5's September events and activities and features the start of the Okumura Palace.
If you're after help for other parts of the game, consult our Persona 5 guide and walkthrough.
Important dates during September in Persona 5
- 1st: Team meeting.
- 7th-11th: Trip to Hawaii.
- 13th: Team meeting.
- 14th: Plot developments. (Any more than that would be a spoiler!)
- 15th: Okumura Palace investigation.
- 17th: Investigation continues.
- 18th: Team meeting. You now have until October 9th to reach the treasure, and it must be stolen on the 10th at the latest.
For the rest of the calendar we're going to be deliberately vague and omit a few names - the plot is heading to a climax, and we don't want to drop a spoiler!
September events in Persona 5
Persona 5 follows a fairly strict calendar, and working out what's best to do on any given day can be a little tricky. We've created a path that, if followed correctly, should allow you to maximise all the social links with Confidants, max out your Social Stats (some days provide better gains to Guts, Knowledge etc than others) and see the bulk of the game's content in a single playthrough.
If you're already part way through then we'll still give you pointers to some efficient levelling opportunities, as well as ways to tackle each Palace and more.
1st: In the evening spend time with Sojiro.
2nd: Buy the broken laptop from Yongenjaya Second Hand Shop and the PC repair kit from the Machine Parts Shop in Akihabara, then take Yusuke to Jinbocho. (Conversation option: A.) In the evening repair the laptop at your work bench. (Proficiency +2)
3rd: Class question: D. In the evening head to Untouchables to spend time with Iwai. (Conversation options: any, A, C.)
4th: Buy a juice at Shibuya Underground Walkway, head to Shibuya Arcade and speak to the people inside, then spend time with Futaba - she'll be sat outside Leblanc. (Conversation options: B, A.) In the evening hang out with Iwai again. (Conversation options: any, any, any, C.)
5th: Hang out with Futaba after school. (Conversation options: C, A.) In the evening talk to Sojiro. (Conversation options: C, B, A.)
6th: Class question: D. After school head to Mementoes and clear all available requests. (Note: the arcade cheat will be unbeatable, so don't waste SP or items on him - just make melee attacks until the fight ends.)
7th-11th: School trip to Hawaii. On the 10th you can choose a friend to spend the day with - it will grant a couple of bonus points towards their Arcana, but won't affect the pace of this walkthrough so pick whoever you like.
12th: Feed your plant in the evening.
13th: Team meeting.
14th: Class question: B.
15th: Okumura Palace investigation.
16th: Investigation.
17th: Class question: C. Investigation continues.
18th: Team meeting.
19th: Return to Shibuya Arcade and speak to the people inside, head to the Gigolo Arcade in Akihabara and speak to Futaba, then talk to Shinya Oda. In the evening head to Crossroads and talk to Ohya. (Conversation options: any, any, any, A.)
20th: Go to the school library and swap the Popess book for "Cry of Cthulu", then spend some time with Makoto. (Conversation option: C.) In the evening call Kawakami - there's a romance option here. (Conversation options: A, any, B, B, then A for friendship or B for romance.)
21st: Class question: B. After school head to the clinic and speak to Tae. (Conversation options: any, C, C.) In the evening call Kawakami.
22nd: Spend time with Makoto after school. (Conversation options: any, any, any, any, A, any, B, C.) In the evening do the TV quiz (Answer A) then spend time with Mishima.
23rd: You'll be able to slack off in class today, so read "Cry of Cthulu". After school spend time with Yusuke. (Conversation options: C, C.) In the evening head to Crossroads and spend time with Ohya - this is a romance opportunity. (Conversation options: any, B, A, any, A, then A for romance or B for friendship.)
Need more help? Our Persona 5 guide and walkthrough features a complete month-by-month summary with important dates and Palace strategies, as well as how to get the True Ending. Elsewhere, learn how to make the most of your free time with all Confidant, Social Link and romance options, the best ways to increase Social Stats such as Knowledge, Guts, Proficiency, Kindness and Charm, create the best Personas through Fusions, how to cheat on exams with our test answers, how to get Mementos requests, unlock the entire Trophy list and learn about the upcoming DLC schedule.
24th: Read "Cry of Cthulu" on the train. Class question: A. After school head to the library and swap Cthulu for "Woman in the Dark" then spend time with Makoto. (Conversation options: A, A.) In the evening visit Hifumi. (Conversation option: B.)
25th: Buy a juice at Shibuya Underground Walkway, then spend time with Makoto - this is a romance option. (Conversations options: any, B, B, B, then A for friendship, or B then A for romance.) In the evening spend some time with Iwai. (Conversation option: A.)
26th: After school hang out with Shinya at Giglolo Arcade. (Conversation options: B, B, B, A.) In the evening spend time with Hifumi. (Conversation options: B, B.)
27th: Spend time with Tae - this is a romance opportunity, but note that if you take it the schedule will change a bit. (Conversation options: C, any, A, A, then A for romance or B for friendship.) In the evening go to Crossroads and speak to Ohya.
28th: Read "Woman in the Dark" on the train. Class question: A, C, C. After school spend time with Futaba. (Conversation options: B, any, C.) In the evening feed your plant then spend time with Hifumi. 29th: Class question: C. After school spend time with Shinya. (Conversation options: any, any, any, A.) In the evening do the TV quiz (answer: A) then spend time with Ohya in Crossroads.
30th: Read "Woman in the Dark" whilst slacking off in class. In the afternoon take Yusuke to Ogikubo. (Conversation option: A.) In the evening take the Big Bang Burger Challenge. (Guts +3)