Resident Evil 7 - Kid's Room, Attic remote control location and Judgement shadow puzzle solution
A complete walkthrough and guide to each area in Capcom's survival horror adventure.
To access the Kid's Room you'll need to get your hands on the Snake Key as instructed after you finished with the Old House, and is one of two rooms required to get one of the Key Cards for meeting up with Lucas.
If you're after help for parts of the game, consult our complete Resident Evil 7 walkthrough and guide.
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Investigate the Kid's Room and where to find the Attic Remote Control
Head to the Main Hall, and beware the two Molded that appear here. The one with the pincer will take a little more ammo to defeat, and the other that drops from above can be swiftly dispatched with standard Handgun Ammo.
Go up the stairs and west to the corridor outside the Recreation Room, and use the Snake Key on the Kid's Room to the south.
Main things to find here is the 'Lucas' Journal' file on the eastern desk and the 'Torn Page from Journal' from the western desk and the Lock Pick inside the vase on the shelf.
To progress, go to the table in the middle of the room and investigate the lamp, rotating it to look underneath the shade, where there's a button.
This will drop a ladder down in the corner. Climb up, and open the cupboard ahead to get the Happy Birthday tape. Turn around, and you'll see a Mr Everywhere head on the right wall above the ladder.
In the corner by the ladder, there's a Toy Axe and Model Shotgun. The former is used to solve a well hidden puzzle in the Yard - see below for a video - while the latter is used to swap with the Broken Shotgun for the improved M21 Shotgun if you also have a Repair Kit.
Want more help? Our Resident Evil 7 walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions on how to survive the main story, as well as finding the Shotgun, Grenade Launcher and the game's many Lockpicks and Treasure Photos. Meanwhile, our Antique Coins locations, Mr Everywhere statue locations and File locations lists will help you find every available collectible on Normal and Easy difficulties.
How to solve the Judgement shadow puzzle
At the end of the Attic is another revolving object puzzle named 'Judgement'. Rotate it until it resembles the figure on the painting, then press the prompt to confirm, giving you the Keycard (Blue).
You should see no resistance on the way back to the Main Hall. You may as well deposit the Keycard (Blue) from your inventory into the gate outside (it's to the west of the Trailer), but beware of the crawling Molded in the undergrowth just outside. This will also give you a good chance to use the Happy Birthday tape, too, though this isn't essential.
Whenever you're ready, time to tick off the other Snake Room key, the Master Bedroom.